PCI is the abbreviation of Peripheral Component Interconnect, which is the most widely used interface in personal computers, and is available on almost all motherboard products. The PCI slot is also the motherboard with the largest number of slot types. On the current popular desktop boards, the ATX-based motherboards usually have 5 to 6 PCI slots, while the smaller MATX motherboards also have 2 to Three PCI slots show the wide range of applications.
PCI is a local bus introduced by Intel Corporation in 1991. From the structural point of view, PCI is a first-level bus inserted between the CPU and the original system bus. The specific management of this layer is realized by a bridge circuit, and the interface between the upper and lower sides is realized to coordinate the data transmission. The manager provides signal buffering to support 10 peripherals and maintain high performance at high clock frequencies. It provides a connection interface for graphics cards, sound cards, network cards, MODEM, etc. It operates at 33MHz/ 66MHz.
The earliest proposed PCI bus operates at 33MHz and the transmission bandwidth reaches 133MB/s (33MHz X 32bit/8), which basically meets the development needs of the processor at that time. With the demand for higher performance, a 64-bit PCI bus was proposed in 1993, and it was later proposed to increase the frequency of the PCI bus to 66 MHz. Currently widely used are 32-bit, 33MHz PCI bus, 64-bit PCI slot is more used in server products.
Since the PCI bus has only 133MB/s of bandwidth, it is more than enough for most input/output devices such as sound cards, network cards, and video cards, but it is unable to meet the needs of increasingly powerful graphics cards. At present, the graphics cards of the PCI interface are rare, and only on older PCs, and manufacturers rarely introduce such interfaces.
The computer's PCI slot can be used to install various expansion cards for PCI slots. There are many varieties, such as wired network card, wireless network card, independent sound card, video capture card, all kinds of adapter cards, such as transfer USB port expansion, transfer SATA expansion, etc., as well as wireless control switch card, and even connect to the motherboard diagnostic card. What can be used to do is mainly depends on what kind of expansion card is connected to the PCI slot.
The white strip slot in the picture is a long PCI slot. The short white slot is the PCI-E slot.
PCI-1 can also be said to be PCI-1X speed. Now it is not used. It is faster than the PCI slot and reduces the burden on the motherboard. However, there is no such slot on the market. Expand the device, you only have to wait for a while!
Zhejiang Synmot Electrical Technology Co., Ltd , https://www.synmot-electrical.com