The circuit diagram of the electronic rhinitis treatment instrument is shown in the following figure: This circuit is electric pulse acupuncture, which can be combined with medication to treat rhinitis. The power supply in the electrotherapy device charges C1 through R1 and R2. When the voltage on the capacitor rises to the upper limit threshold level of the circuit 2 / 3Vcc, the voltage comparator A in the timer circuit outputs a high level, thereby making the output Vo of the circuit low, and the discharge tube inside the circuit Turn on, make the capacitor C1 discharge through the discharge tube through the resistor R2; when the voltage drops to 1 / 3Vcc, the output of the timer becomes high level, and the discharge tube is disconnected. The circuit repeats the above process, causing oscillation. The output pulse voltage of the time-base circuit is boosted by the transformer T, and a rectangular pulse of 80Vp is output, which acts on the acupuncture points of the human body and can produce acupuncture-like effects such as acupuncture, swelling, and numbness. Potentiometer RP can adjust the output to meet the needs of patients' acupoints.
Figure Electronic rhinitis treatment instrument circuit diagram
The CH0004 is a self-contained Battery Charger/conditioner mounted in a ruggedized environmentally resistant case, which provides a reliable and consistent recharge of one or two batteries simultaneously. The CH0004 auto senses battery type to assure proper charge profile.
Unattended Charging
• Smart charge modules that detect open or shorted cells. If a defective cell is detected the CH0004 will not start charge cycle
• No programming or special instruction set to achieve safe and complete recharge of battery
• In no event will a battery be overcharged using the smart charging
techniques of the CH0004
Wide Range Input Voltage
• Allows operation from nearly any AC or DC power source likely to be encountered worldwide
Conditioning Cycle
• Automatic discharge/recharge function included. The conditioning cycle can be activated individually per battery at operator`s option
Recharge Each String of Cells
• To assure a positive recharge of the battery each individual string of cells in the battery is recharged independently
Any combination
of the following batteries: BB-390/U - (NiMH), BB-590/U - (NiCd), BB-2590 /
UBI-2590 (UBBL02) / MRC-2590 /UBBL09 / UBI-2590 SMBus (UBBL10) -Lithium-Ion
Military Battery Charger,Battery Charger,Nimh Battery Charger,Lithium Battery Charger