With the rapid development of medical informatization, hospitals are currently faced with: how to connect monitoring instruments and other equipment to the hospital information system, how to improve the work efficiency and medical quality through special information technology combined with software and hardware, and reduce the work errors of medical staff, How to realize the doctor's remote real-time diagnosis and other problems.
EVOC's terminal smart medical product solution-integrates computer reliability technology, mobile computing technology, Internet of Things technology, efficient handwriting input technology, high-speed wireless connection technology and video, RFID, fingerprint, barcode and other product technologies to solve these problems The puzzle provides a practical product solution.
2 Scheme block diagram
3 Introduction
The EVOC terminal smart medical product solution consists of a central computer room, wireless / 3G / wired network, EVOC terminal smart medical products and various medical instruments. The mobile medical terminal MCA-1001, the bed terminal MPC1701 and various monitoring instruments are connected to the medical network platform and various information systems through wireless / 3G / wired, and the dedicated medical terminal server is connected to each terminal equipment and central computer room through wireless / 3G / wired network Exchange and exchange relevant information and data. This constitutes a practical Internet of Things for medical information systems.
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Superior selection for materials & parts
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High class brass terminals makes low internal resistance and strong discharge performance
LiFePO4 Car Starting Batteries
Iron phosphate lithium ion battery cathode material for lithium iron phosphate, its safety performance and cycle life is obviously can not be compared to other materials. Iron lithium battery to solve the security problem of general battery, the general battery will produce explosion in a strong collision, hidden safety problems; While the lithium iron phosphate batteries has been rigorous safety testing, even if the internal or external battery damage, also will not burn, not explode. The cycle life of the battery is normal in general about 300 times, the highest is about more than 500 times, the use of time is generally 1 to 1.5 years; While the lithium iron phosphate batteries, the cycle life of more than 2000, the standard charge (2 hours), can reach 2000 times, using the time can reach more than 4 years, it is 2 times more than the normal battery; These power battery technology index is one of the most important.
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